When you stay in a suite or Residence Club guestroom, you’ll enjoy all the privileges and services of the Residence Club – a smart, stylish executive lounge for work or relaxation. This is your private retreat, with floor-to-ceiling windows letting in natural light and offering views of the bustling Renmin Road business district.
You will also have exclusive access to the Residence Club Living Room, which serves a complimentary breakfast, all-day refreshments, afternoon tea and evening cocktails. Its tranquil environment is perfect for relaxing, gaming, dining and socialising. You can relax in the cosy leather club chairs by the fireplace with a selection of over 200 novels and magazines close at hand and, if you really must work, there is a meeting area and boardroom available.

- Breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails served in Residence Club Living Room
- WiFi and wired broadband Internet access
- Express check-in and check-out services
- Late check-out till 4 p.m. (subject to availability)
- Use of conference room and meeting area in the Residence Club Living Room for two hours per stay
- Use of printing and photocopying services in the Business Centre for up to 10 pages per day, with a 10% discount on our standard rate for additional pages and faxing services
- Pressing service: one suit and one shirt per stay
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily